Post by The Matriarch on May 15, 2008 11:41:24 GMT
for shadow tales
General Rules for posting:
for shadow tales
General Rules for posting:
1. This is a fan fiction board for the Charmed fics that are posted here. Threads about the show & gossip about the actors are not allowed. This is not a general Charmed board. If such threads do appear, they will be deleted immediately.
2. No double posting! That means posting another message right after you have posted one. Simply modify your first post & add "EDIT" to it so everyone will know that you indeed have more comments or be patient & wait for someone else to post.
3. Do not open inappropriate or useless topics within the threads. Do post in the right categories otherwise the topic will be deleted or moved. Most importantly, stay on topic! Do not stray away from the topic at hand & talk about random things, use the PM function for that.
4. Posts made with minimal content will be deleted. Please fill your posts up to a minimum of 8 words. This is not a contest to see who can build up the most posts, give full comments please.
5. No posts or topics are to be made with CAPS letters. Such topics will be edited by one of the Elders. Also no chat t@lk (how r u? / I luv u) or using dIsToRtEd text, it may look cool but can sometimes be a pain to read.
5. No personal discussions or arguing within the topics. Please use the Private Message (PM) function to send messages to one another.
6. No "bumping" of topics. This means bumping your thread to the top of the page without actually updating or posting anything within the topic.
7. Do not advertise other boards or sites here. We have a topic especially for that, so you can advertise yours there. Discussion on illegal software & programming will also not be tolerated.
8. The Elders' decisions are final. If you disagree with it, pm the Elder in question & discuss it further there. No public spats are allowed.
Signatures & Avatars (icons)
1. Only Elders are allowed to wear larger avatars. The standard avatar size for members will be 100x100 pixels. You are allowed to upload your own avatar; you are not restricted to using the ones we provide.
2. No banners larger than 500 pixels in width & no animations. Strictly Elders are allowed to have animated banners. Reason therefore is that the board can only take so much & if everyone has animated banners, it will take forever to load. Keep the size of the banner below 500kb.
3. You are allowed to wear only ONE banner.
4. If you are not sure that your banner is the correct size, submit it to the Signature/Banner Check at Magic School so that we can help you out.
5. You are allowed to post a link to your fan fic thread in your signature as long as it is hosted here at Shadow Tales. Outside links for websites & boards are to be placed in the The Bay Mirror category in the Links Thread.
Member Rules
1. Vulgar & inappropriate language & insulting posts will not be tolerated. Keep it as clean as you can please. Insulting other members or their work will get you a warning, so please behave on that front.
2. You do not need to ask us to change your username; you can do it on your own. Just go into "Profile" then "Modify" and then just change your Username. If you still aren't sure about how to do it, post a message in the Glamouring Spell thread at Magic School.
Please do advise everyone when you change your Username in the Username Changes topic in the "The Bay Mirror" category.
Also do not create a new account. Double accounts will be deleted.
5. If you have lost your password, use the function when you log in to send a request for a new password. It will then be emailed to the address you submitted when you registered.
4. Administration/Moderator positions.
At this stage we are able to handle all the work on the board ourselves. When we feel the need to add more members to the staff has come, you will all be informed via the "Board News" thread.
Please do not pm us asking for the position, we will choose the members that we see fit for the job.
5. Please be respectful when posting on the board, no nude pictures or any inappropriate material as we have young members on the board.
6. No stealing other's work & claiming it as your own. If we discover that you have posted other's art or fics & claimed them as your own, we will confront you about it. If you do not have permission to be using them, you will be banned from the board for a month & you will receive the highest warning. When you return & you repeat your offence, you will permanently be recycled. No exceptions! Stealing is a serious offence & will be treated as such.
Warnings & Recycling
1. Not following these rules will result in a first written warning which you will receive in your PM box. If you have not responded to the PM after 2 days you will receive an official warning next to your name. Once you receive your third & final warning, recycling (banishing) will be discussed between the Elders.
2. Registering again after you have been recycled will result in your new account being deleted & your IP blocked from the site. If you continue to register on this board after being banned & your account deleted, your IP provider will be contacted.
If you have any questions or if you are not sure about something, please post in the Magic School section or PM one of the Elders, Brando, The Matriarch, Phoenixlighter or Reyn.
Thank you & enjoy your time here!